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The Inn

This is the beginning of what *could* be my first smutty novel. Maybe. I’ll keep writing if you let me know whether you want to read it.

The door closes after Kaida. When her footsteps recede, I turn around and nearly run into Ronin. He chose to stand right behind me, anticipating this – his blue eyes burn a hole in my soul with the way he is looking at me.
We don’t speak. The air between has been crackling with tension all day. It’s like he has been waiting for the moment we’re alone, and I have to admit that I knew this was coming at some subconscious level. He takes a step towards me and I take one back, again and again until my back hits the wall. He places a hand right above my right shoulder, like a fucking playboy out of a romance novel. I can’t help but giggle – giggle?! Really Mags? – and place my own hands against the wooden paneling for support.

7 thoughts on “The Inn

  1. I sad that opening…how much do you have written?

    1. I like* that opening, stupid auto correct somehow

      1. Not a whole lot, the rest exists in my head ☺️

  2. Wow, when will there be more?

    1. Not sure yet, when I get around to writing it 😊

  3. I like the beginning no jumping right into, I do enjoy a slow build of anticipation.

  4. please…go on…

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